

Boris R. Thebia is a self-taught documentary photographer, photojournalist, editorial photographer and a member of Diversify Photo and Room Up Front. Born in 1997 in Cayenne, French Guiana, he has established himself in Montreal, Canada, where his career as a photographer found its standing after graduating in psychology from the University of Montreal around 2019. Since then, he has distinguished himself through a multitude of projects carried out in the Americas and Asia, for NGOs and publications alike.

His current work explores the cultural and personal transformations that shape human lives, as well as the different mediums of culture throughout which people communicate, relate, and interact through one another; an example could be his current long term project exploring how indonesian cultural artefacts are used to navigate the subject of mental health, but it can also apply to past projects of his such as the modern use of residential school by the french state to erase indigenous culture or how a kelp helps indigenous children of northern Quebec find their place in the world. Driven by an exploration of the human experience, he dedicates himself to capturing stories of being, identity, and condition, in harmony with a world in perpetual motion.


Selected publications:

In a French outpost in South America, no secret EU gateway for fleeing Cubans (2021)

Comment une algue indigène est devenue une promesse d’avenir pour des jeunes autochtones (2023)


Ways of Seeing (2023)

Workshops and Collectives":

Entry in Diversify Photo (2021), Room Up Front (2022) and Fairpicture (2023)